Week 4... it just really doesn't seem like it's only been 4 weeks and that it's already been 4 weeks!!
This week we finished up working on our Texas Indians research project AND we did the presentations. The kids did great and I am so proud of them!
On Thursday, I had to go to Tarleton to an ESP (Effect Schools Project) Conference. The speaker was Spencer Henry (http://www.shenrypie.com/). Spencer Henry was an amazing speaker and I am so lucky I got to hear him speak. He spoke about classroom management and had some great ideas and suggestions for the classroom.
On Friday, I had the chance to implement some of the strategies I had learned and it was fun to see the outcome.
Overall this week was really awesome. The students worked on their Dioramas of their Indian group (I'll post pictures soon). My class is such a hands-on class which is PERFECT because I am such a hands-on person. I don't think I could have been placed with a better class to do my student teaching. There are a few challenges with talking and whatnot (but that's to be expected in every classroom) but the good times outweigh the bad... which is how it should be. I'm exicted every day to go to school and teach those kiddos and I love having fun laughing and joking with them! They have such a great sense of humor!!
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