Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcome to Blog-World!!

So I decided to start a blog to document my experience student teaching. I start student teaching on August 23 but I have to go to meetings and in-service starting Aug. 13. I am really looking forward to student teaching and FINALLY graduating December 18!! I will also be blogging about my experience planning my wedding. I'm engaged to my WONDERFUL man, craig. I love him so much! (ok enough with the mushy stuff. lol). After student teaching I'll probably blog about life after graduation and what-not and then on to MARRIAGE!! I love being crafty so feel free to post fun ideas and I will do the same! I am also starting to get in to canning veggies so if you have any tips, let me know!

I'll be posting more once school starts and give y'all a glimpse in to my CRAZY world of student teaching/wedding planning/graduation/marriage/and the quirks in between!


  1. lol "I am also starting to get in to canning veggies"

    you sound like an old lady!!! hahahaha

    but it's cute! :)

  2. thought i would leave you a comment and say "Yay!!"

    see, leaving comments isnt so hard!
